Summer Fun!

Category: Aoyama Blog

Author: Mrs. Lisa

This week our students are learning all about the vibrant world of American carnivals. As they learn about these colorful events, they not only are learning new words but also expressing their creativity through unique crafts inspired by the sights and sounds. All of these activities lead up to our big Summer Festival at the end of the week where students will get to experience an American Carnival in the school!

The students learned about different rides at a carnival. They learned about carousels, roller coasters and ferris wheels. The students then took on the challenge of making their very own ferris wheel. They first decorated the individual cabins with stickers and crayons.




Next, they carefully placed the axels through their ferris wheel frame.






Finally they connected it to the base and decorated the frame.




The next thing the students are learning about are the snacks and foods. They learned all about popcorn, cotton candy and snow cones. Another food you can enjoy in the summer to help cool you down is a watermelon! The students then took a paper fan and began to paint it red.




Next, they carefully painted the outside and backside a vibrant green color.




Finally, after all the paint had dried the students cut out little black drops to represent the watermelon seeds and stuck them down.




