Recycled Costume Day! Aoyama Primary School

Category: Aoyama Blog


On the 18th of November, we held a Recycled Costume Day! The students and teachers prepared recycled materials from home to make DIY costumes.

We started by digging deeper into how recycling helps our daily lives and the good things that can be done when we recycle. 





After the discussion, they began to make their costumes!

We divided into three groups.


The first team’s theme was "Chainsaw Man.”

The students came up with unique ideas to create Chainsaw Man in real life.  Visualizing what they imagined in their mind was a very exciting process for them.



The girls' team designed their whole outfit from head to toe: a hat, a dress, and a recycled stuffed animal!

They expressed their personalities in their items, and the way they cared about very small details made them feel like future fashion designers!



Lastly, the "Samurai" costume by the senior students! 

Senior students were able to carefully plan and adjust the size of each piece of costume while combining their ideas. 



Finally, time for the show….





As students introduced their costumes, they looked a little shy but at the same time, very proud of their creative works!

The teachers were amazed at the many small touches students were able to incorporate into their costumes in such a short period of time!

The Recycled Costume Day allowed students to experience the fun, creativity, and responsibility that comes with the everyday act of "use" and "throw-away". It was also an important day for the teachers to learn about the possibilities of recycling from the students' ideas and playful minds.