After school Music Class
Category: Aoyama School / Aoyama Blog
Music class! Everyone took turns playing drums while the others follow
along the beat by clapping their hands and stomping their feet. We also
practiced playing do-re-mi on the xylophone. Everyone did a great job!
音楽教室 みんなで交代で太鼓を叩き、それに合わせて手拍子や

It's all about Tempo! We listened to fast and slow songs, and moved our
bodies accordingly. We also played Twinkle Twinkle Little Star (slow) and
Baby Shark (fast) using xylophone and maracas.
「テンポ」についてのお話です! 速い曲、遅い曲を聞いて、
トゥインクルトゥインクルリトルスター (スロー)やベイビーシャーク