
Category: Aoyama Blog

Author: Ms. Reychel


On February 3rd, the pre-k students celebrated `Setsubun`. It is celebrated annually in Japan and people throw beans which represent vitality and symbolically purify the home by driving away evil spirits that bring misfortune and bad health. However, for safety reasons, the pre-k students used plastic balls instead. They got a bit scared of `oni` but some were brave enough to throw the balls at it.





They made a few crafts for this event such as Hiiragi iwashi (Holly and Sardine Head). The hiiragi iwashi is attached to the exterior of the house, usually next to the front door used to drive away the demons. They used colored paper, chopsticks, and scotch tape to make it.





On the same day, they also made delicious sushi rolls for their lunch. Everyone had a great time choosing what vegetables to put and happily rolled the seaweed afterwards. They liked it so much that most of them asked for extra seaweed and made some more!